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Macrame Feathers


Shamanic practices are a tradition and practice aided by the helping compassionate spirits and animal and plant allies. The practitioner, me, helps the client by entering an "altered" or "trance" state through the beat of the drum where ego steps aside and I become a hollow bone or channel to best aid the client.  The drum is equivalent to the theta wavelength or the wavelength of our mind when we are asleep and dreaming, thus accessing the subconscious of a dream state while physically aware and present.  Through the drum I am able to go to non-ordinary reality or the collective and receive messages and guidance for the client from Spirit. accessing the subconscious of a dream state while physically aware and present.

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Soul Retrieval

Soul retrievals helps to bring back part of our "soul selves" that have been lost to us. As a shamanic practitioner I search for the parts of you that have been displaced through your life, by soul loss.  What causes soul loss?


Sandra Ingerman’s Abstract on Shamanism states that, “There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post-traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss.”


This session will have the client laying down or sitting comfortably while the work is being performed.


Cost: $205 duration is 1-2 hours.

Personal Auric Cleansings

Really feeling not yourself? You may be in need of Personal Clearing. The clearing will be a combination of medium and shamanic practices as best suited for each individual client.

Consultation required before booking. 

Cost: $225


Past Life Healing

Have you ever felt that there is a cycle in your life on repeat? A lesson that you cannot seem to move past. Sometimes, there are phases of our past lives that interfere with our present. Journey with me to see what the past life is and how it is affecting the present.


We will then work to align the fragmented self into wholeness through ceremony and celebration. This will be catered to each individual before the session date. Crystals, candles and other tools will be used and provided to you for this session.


Cost: $250


House Blessings and Clearings 

New home? Home in need a refreshing feeling? 


Just as dust can build up in a home, energy can build up as well. A house clearing helps to bring balance and lightness back to your surroundings. Whether a seasonal refresh or moving in to a new home, a blessing and energy clearing is a great way to bring peace within. A variety of modalities are available based on the clients preference, from sage, shamanically, or with the use of singing bowls. 


Cost is $175 in person/$85 remote.  

*extra fee for travel may apply

Cottage House

Power Animal  Retrieval

Power animals are animal spirits that guide us as compassionate teachers through life or specific situations. I believe we  can have more than one power animal at a time. By working with the wisdom of our animal, we can navigate the challenges of life with strength, understanding and protection. To meet your power animal you will learn to journey and meet your guide. I will instruct you on journeying and the compassionate spirits will do the rest! 

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